
Movie Poster


sample poster


Project #1

Functional: Non Functional:

Dorm room poster


Homework #2

Design is more than just logos and decals, design can be anything you want it to be. It can be the things you have in your wallet, a well drawn picture, or a creative invention. There are few requirements or limitations to what you can use to make a design as long as it is useful or captivating. The one that really grabbed my attention from the presentation was the gas mask for an infant. While most would scoff at the idea of even having to use this invention, it is practical, efficient, and very well designed. Allowing the infant to still be held and comforted by their parent. As Paola said at the end of the presentation, there are some common grounds between science and design. Where design should be approached as instruction or guidance, rather than a prescription of form. Allowing even more creativity and innovation.
Tuxedo Wolf